Making New Year’s Resolution Work

New Year marks the beginning of a fresh year, a step to open doors for new opportunities and possibilities. It ushers the moment of renewed hope and expectations, giving a fresh start for realization of your dreams. New Year fills a sense of faith to start with new goals, new aspirations while saying farewell to bad memories and welcoming new things with renewed strength, bravery and joyful spirit. It also provides us with the opportunity to modify our mindset with the believe that we can change and can become a better self.

New Year’s resolution is one of many ways people use to look forward in life to changes in their habits to become a better self. But as the new year progresses, efforts towards the set resolution diminishes. People find it difficult to stick to their resolutions, often letting it fade away. It is accompanied with feeling that it doesn’t seems important and people get settled back to old patterns.

Engaging with your New Year’s Resolution in following ways can help you to stick to your resolution and create a long-lasting impact:

  • Setting realistic goals: The fundamentals of goal setting relies on the ‘Whys’ of your goals. Losing weight, quitting smoking, saving more, doing digital detox are few of many new year’s resolutions which people make to bring changes in life. While setting goals one should ensure that the goals are specific, it has a time frame with proper plan of action. The goals must be attainable, they must challenge you, and inspire you. It should have an ability to drive your motivation to accomplish it and make it workable for you.

*Use SMART Goals: Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant – Time-specific.

  • Make small changes at a time: As humans, we possess lot of willpower. Abundance of willpower can be utilised efficiently by breaking resolution into small and easy goals with definitive time frame. Following those small changes continuously keeps us engaged towards our New Year’s resolution.
  • Letting your resolution known: Sharing your resolution with friends and family is another way to build accountability to accomplish your selected goal. Making your loved ones part of your resolution can encourage you to tackle through tough phases when you feel demotivated. It will also make you liable towards New Year’s resolution where you don’t want to put your loved ones down.
  • Allow few blemishes along the way: Change is not easy. No matter how hard or simple your goal might be, there are phases of loosing hope. Treating your resolution as a journey with challenges and obstacles, one need to pick up from every fall, reward on small progress to affirm your commitment towards the New Year’s resolution. 
  • Keep a track on your progress: The best way to stick to your resolution is to keep a log to monitor your performance. As you are able to receive frequent feedback through regular logs, it can encourage you to do better. Keeping a track of your progress, can enable you to ignite your focus on desired objectives.

People often pick those New Year resolutions that necessitate relentless hard work and bring drastic changes in life. Taking baby steps towards new habits, using small increments around the winter solstice, can unfurl the green leaves of self-growth for a newer and better self. Failing in the past to achieve new year’s resolution can be forgiven. Connect with friends and family, find a way to help somebody, get proper rest, decrease undue stress and schedule exercise routine.

Walking into another year with new resolution, energetic affirmations can guide your path towards a positive destination in your life. New year with new possibilities can inspire you to move forward and bring new changes in life. Take a deep breath, soothe yourself, ease yourself from stress, frame a plan, keep the above-mentioned points in mind and bring changes in your life that you can feel proud of.


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